Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Old Town Nursery

Been meaning to write about the Old Town Nursery. Found this place just like many of the other places I visit, by accident, they say there is not such thing as an accident..........

Found it on my way to a gas station, on my way to LA. This place like many of the other places is small by they has the nicest lavender and butterfly bush plants. Like always could not resist and I'm glad I didn't, the plants I adopted are doing great. The butterfly bush is still in the same pot and it hasn't stopped blooming. Even with the cold, more Arctic than anything, weather we're having it's still blooming. I guess they plants just feel at home and they should they're in good company.

Here are some pics I took, couldn't upload the other, somethings wrong with the iPhone, maybe it's the fact that I haven't downloaded the updates.......my bad.

By the way, the had great fountains in this place, can't wait I really need a fountain, yes I said "need" this will just make the garden complete, if there's such a thing.


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