Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Garden update

This is late, for sure.....
The garden did good this year and it's still going. Good news there is an eggplant on the vine and more good news there's lots and lots of flowers on the vine. Yes this will translate to eggplants.
Cross your fingers that they all make it.
The Butternut squash was not a successful and I'd hope, here is a flower. For those who haven't seen the flowers, they're as big and my hand, couldn't believe it, but they are so beautiful. I'll have to figure out when to pick the flowers and how to prepare them.
The tomatoes are still going and going and going. Good job tomatoes.....
I hate to say the peppers did not make it, not sure what happened there better luck next year.
The top photo is the million bells I bought a few months ago, they look happy.

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