Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Garden update

This is late, for sure.....
The garden did good this year and it's still going. Good news there is an eggplant on the vine and more good news there's lots and lots of flowers on the vine. Yes this will translate to eggplants.
Cross your fingers that they all make it.
The Butternut squash was not a successful and I'd hope, here is a flower. For those who haven't seen the flowers, they're as big and my hand, couldn't believe it, but they are so beautiful. I'll have to figure out when to pick the flowers and how to prepare them.
The tomatoes are still going and going and going. Good job tomatoes.....
I hate to say the peppers did not make it, not sure what happened there better luck next year.
The top photo is the million bells I bought a few months ago, they look happy.

Old Town Nursery

Been meaning to write about the Old Town Nursery. Found this place just like many of the other places I visit, by accident, they say there is not such thing as an accident..........

Found it on my way to a gas station, on my way to LA. This place like many of the other places is small by they has the nicest lavender and butterfly bush plants. Like always could not resist and I'm glad I didn't, the plants I adopted are doing great. The butterfly bush is still in the same pot and it hasn't stopped blooming. Even with the cold, more Arctic than anything, weather we're having it's still blooming. I guess they plants just feel at home and they should they're in good company.

Here are some pics I took, couldn't upload the other, somethings wrong with the iPhone, maybe it's the fact that I haven't downloaded the updates.......my bad.

By the way, the had great fountains in this place, can't wait I really need a fountain, yes I said "need" this will just make the garden complete, if there's such a thing.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Clairmont Farms

So I made it to one of the many lavender farms in California, one down a bunch to go.. Clairmont Farms in Los Olivos, CA
This place was great, a lavender lover dream, it's a little off the beaten path but worth the drive. You can go 101 to the 246 to the 156 and you'll see the signs to the farm, this is the scenic route. Or if you're like me and take roads you really don't know Exit on 246 to Solvang, turned left on Refugio Rd, right on Roblar Rd, right on 156 and you've arrived, this is really scenic....
There's lost of farms and wineries on the way, mostly apple farms and if I'm not mistaken you had to pick the apple. Now people, I love the garden but if I'm picking apples I'm not paying to let me pick them. Yeah, just put them in a bag and I'll be off. Got to the Lavender farm and it was a sea of lavender, hahahah
there was small barn like building where they had lavender products, would have bought something but there was no one there, maybe next time. Not sure if it was the honor system, but wasn't taking any chances, so I'm keeping my self honest, for once. By the way no way to take a cutting, I was prepared.....
The farm is open from 10am to 5pm. As you head out don't forget to turn left, you're in 156, at Alamo Pintado Ave, turn left and you'll hit downtown Los Olivos, if you're in the mood for wine tasting this is the place, lots of tasting rooms. I'm sure none were free so don't think you'll be drinking for free. Once you're done with all that it's time to hit the road. Love it love it love it, must be the lavender farm, how do I get one of those............... here are some pics hope you like them.

Notice the "I love my chickens" sign,
remember 3 chickens= 15 egg/wk.

Here are the rest of the photos from the Chubby Checker concert.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cherry Hill Lane

Serendipity, it's how I found this nursery.

Found it during my last trip and decided I have to visit this place. It was worth the visit.

This is a small nursery, beautifully organized and everything is in bloom, eye candy.......

I got there at opening time, was greeted by Luis. Took a look and decided the million bells were worth the $5.99, yes I bought 2 of them, Luis told me that if they die, dig then up and taken back. Cross my fingers they don't die. Love the place very small nothing to appropriate
hum mm

They have lots of pots in the back, didn't check the prices. I'm sure they're worth it.
They have very nice looking succulents, some had beautiful blooms, I mean eye candy.
No coffee shop close by, maybe they'll open one up soon. But if you drive four blocks north you'll end up in downtown Arroyo Grande, nothing Grande about it but they do have some interesting shops, worth checking out.

By the way Luis is from Morelia, has been in the US since 1982 and he lives in Nipomo.
Very nice guy, very friendly and helpful with the plants.

very cute place, I think I'll visit again.....

Paso Robles Fair

It's been a long time since I've been to the fair. I've never thought much about the fair, maybe because LA County fair is always packed, it's always an ordeal to park and it's expensive (is $12 expensive?).

So, I made it to the Paso Robles Fair, went to see Chubby Checker, yes that's right, I said Chubby Checker, what can I say it was free.

He sang all his signature songs, got the crowd very involved, it was fun.

Went to walk the fair after, I like the fair, it was small and it was country.

Had to go see the cows, meet cowboy, he was handsome looking steer, weight about 1300 lbs.

Had a change to meet notorious P.I.G, yes that's the pigs name, good looking pig and clean. Not the pigs I remember. Saw the sheep and billy goats, yes I said this was country.

Had a great time, sorry I didn't check this out before I would have made it to Paso on the 24th, that's when Morris Day and the Time played, yeah baby bring it Morris.

Here are some pics of my new found friends (the animals) at the fair........

Couldn't resist taking a stroll on the beach, this house is right accross the street, Sophie, me and my plants would look good here.............

Monday, July 26, 2010

Pismo Garden Art....the update

So, I'm back in Paradise.

Drove by the Pismo Garden Art and what a surprise, they open a coffee shop right next door.

Utopia Coffee and Bakery, are they reading my mind or what, it must be the or what.

Didn't try the coffee, the place was closed, so what else is new in Pismo.

Took a nice drive to SLO picked up some Balsamic Vinegar, new brand hope it's as good as the old brand.

Found lots of new nurseries to visit, this means it'll be early days for me at my next visit.

found this little place facing the ocean, somebody hand over the keys, home sweet home.

dream or reality.................................

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Another Day in Paradise..............

Australian Bluebell Creeper

It's going to look so good in the garden..............welcome home!

High Tide

YES! Made it to this garden nursery............
Also a small nursery, very cute not much of a plant selection but I did find this amazing plant called Australian Bluebell Creeper, almost missed it, couldn’t pass it up. Yes, that means I bought it, I'm sure I'll find a good spot for it in my garden.

Back to High Tide- they didn't have a big plant selection but the plants they did have looked very healthy and most were in gallon containers.
They did have some plants that were 50% off, I have to say they were small but they looked good, not much to do but water feed and watch them grow.
I found a good looking geranium, didn't buy it but used my appropriation technique, if there's a leaf on the ground it's mine, there was a leaf on the ground, unfortunately it looked like it was on its way out so I did what any other gardener would do plucked a good leaf of the plant, just think of it as pruning..........................works for me, it's in a glass with water, I'm sure it'll make it to LA in one piece.

So, if you're ever in Pismo Beach and want to visit some garden centers, High Tide is small but they have great looking plants, by the way is on Shell Beach Rd, it runs parallel to the 101, slow down… no really slow down lots of police in the area. If you're on Shell Beach Rd, headed north look left, the ocean views are lovely, if you’re headed south look right the ocean views are just as lovely, remember slow down and this time not because of the popo but to enjoy the scenery, I promise it'll make you want to stay......permanently.

Oh yeah, if you need that coffee fix Steaming Bean is just down the road, great coffee and pastries, bring your laptop is you must remember this place close early, so you got to be out of there by 7pm.
High Tide closes at 5pm Mon-Thur, open until 7pm Fri & Sat (summer hours), closed on Sunday.

Pismo or Paradise??

Finaly made it to a garden nursery in Pismo, the problem here is that most nurseries close early. These people are not fools, why keep a business open when the ocean, breaze and the sun are calling you. So after all this time, I made it to one of the nurseries.

Pismo Garden Art, in the heart of Pismo Beach on Price St.

WOW! the fountain are awesome, I wanted one of each, no matter that I don't have the space in my garden, I wanted on of each. I'll find the space..........

Not much plants but lots of garden art, a little pricy but the garden art is awesome, did I mention the fountains.

Per the sign on the wall most of the art they sell is made by local artist, not sure if this included the fountains. This place is small but worth the visit, in the event you get hungy walk one block south and you'll find guissepies deli, food is good. Need a coffee fix, one block north is the Java Hut, good coffee.

Since I had a few minutes I thoought I hit the road and make it to another little gem in Pismo, when I say little I mean little........

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rolling Hills Garden Center- Has to one of the best nurseries I've visited. Have been visiting this place for a while, stumbled onto it one day, couldn't get out of there. 2 hours later and $75 later, headed to LA with my plants couldn’t wait to get home and plant them in my garden. I have to say those were the best plants I've ever bought, the plants are healthy and not pot bound. Most of the pants are blooming, which is eye candy for me, love blooming plants, the brighter the color the more of them I want to take home. Staff is friendly and very helpful, most of their one gallon plants are $8.99, and so if you rather not spend that much on a plant this is not the place for you. Make sure you look at their selection of seeds, great selection. Did I mention the have chicken coops, old one, well they looked old. Three chickens will yield 15 eggs a week……… So, if you find yourself in Solvang, stop by and check this place out, a gardeners delight you won’t come home empty handed.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Macetas Locas.............

I've tried to visit this place for years, finally made it.

Madd Potter, the name sounds mad..........

It's a small place but they have great pots. A little pricey, but if you're looking for something different, you found the place.

They do have some plants, mostly succulents, very healthy looking plants.

The fountains are nice, not much of selection and a little expensive. If you're in that creative place, they have all you need to create your own fountain, so go for it.

Interesting garden accents, check out the peacock's made of aluminum. Make sure you see the wall garden, I'm thinking I can create this wall garden.

So, as you head south on Coast Hwy and that Java craving hits you, stop at Pannikin. Great coffee, nice place to sit and contemplate life in general, take your book (or not) sit back and relax, you are in Encinitas.

Monday, May 3, 2010

This is not a grden center................

Home Depot- not much I can say about HD, but one thing is for sure they don't specialize in plants, this does not apply to all HD stores.
Some of their garden centers are not well maintained, most of their plants are on their way out, to the compost pile that is.
Their plants are pot bound and dry, but if you're idea of gardening is give your plants CRP, then you found your garden center. I admit I have played saviour to some of the HD plants, but it was a grueling task and it was touch and go, mostly go....to the compost pile.
By the way don't buy tomatoe plants a HD, why buy a three foot tall plant that's in a 4" pot, really now.........people this is not that hard.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Leucadia garden tour

Did the garden walk in Leucadia two weeks a go, my friend Rena suggested I start a blog about plant nurseries....wasn't sure, I guess I am now.

Not sure why some of the gardens we saw were on the tour, could have been because the people who own the home were artist trying to sell art. Hey is this a garden tour or an art sale.

Some of the gardens were beautiful and doable for the garden aficionados, that would be me. A few of the gardens were big, I'm talking big. no plant diversity, mostly lawn, that's not a garden.

Loved the house with the chickens, three chickens will yield 15 eggs a week. Sign me up...

So from San Diego to Pismo, I'll try to post some of the plant nurseries I visit during my travels up and down the cost, a lovey drive, if you don't mind the construction in the Santa Barbara area once you pass that it's awesome, slow down hang on and enjoy the ride...........